(2021) “The Land of Fruit and Sunshine: Reading Epistemic Land Claims in Settler Colonial Literature from the Okanagan.” Department of Critical and Creative Studies, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna. 2021
(2015) “Imagining Canada's Future.” SSHRC and CAGS sponsored roundtable. York University, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Toronto.
(2023) “Lakes, Monsters and Irrigations Schemes: Reading Water in Contemporary Literature from the Okanagan.” The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE), Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
(2018) “Enclosed Edens: Orchards, Gardens and Other Failed Utopias in Contemporary Literature from the Okanagan.” Wrack Zone, Biennial Conference for the Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada (ALECC), University of Victoria.
(2017) “Masculine Settler Narratives from British Columbia’s Okanagan.” Association for Canadian and Quebecois Literature (ACQL), Annual Conference, Congress 2017, TMU, Toronto.
(2016) “Lyrics of Settling or Staying: Nancy Holmes and Ethics of Writing Place.” Peace and Justice Studies Association, Annual Conference, Selkirk College, Nelson, B.C.
(2015) “Intertexts and Intersections: Charting Anne Carson’s Work.” Panel Chair/Organizer, with Sarah Jensen. Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA), Annual Conference, TMU, Toronto.
(2015) “‘It was the Wild West’: ‘Settler Narratives from British Columbia’s Okanagan.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Annual Conference, Washington University, Seattle.
(2014) “From Charred Stumps and Rude Clearings: An Ecocritical Reading of Configurations of Canadian Identity in 19th Century Essays, Editorials and Manifestos.” Place, Space and the Politics of Identity, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University, Toronto.
(2014) “Difficult Topography: Contemporary Narratives of Becoming from British Columbia’s Interior Valleys.” Border Rhetorics, RSA14, 16th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference (RSA). San Antonio, Texas.
(2014) “Harvesting an Uncultivated Wilderness: Reading Early Configurations of Canadian Identity.” Culture, Justice, and Environment, Biennial Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada (ALECC) Conference. Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario.